Monday, May 28, 2012

Some sort of update that totally was planned out

So I went over a short list of things you need for your own ESL adventure!  So I suppose before I go into specifics about the list I am going to write about why I want to teach overseas.  As I told in my generic first post I have not really traveled much in my life due to financial reasons.  Not willing to put myself into debt just to have a fantastic week or two, but I have always loved studying people.
When I found my major in college (cultural anthropology) I was bitten by a bug with the desire to travel and to do new things.  I always had the desire to be dropped into a new culture and be forced to assimilate, and perhaps write a kick ass enthnography along the way.  There isn't much anthropologying I can do with a bachelors degree, but teaching English abroad makes me feel like I would be doing something with it.  I finally get to experience getting immersed in a culture very different from my own middle class suburban lifestyle.

I am cautiously optimistic about what our experience overseas will be like.  One of the biggest issues I may end up coming across is adjusting to a new style of cooking.  I am pretty bland and routine when it comes to eating, I am a pretty meat and potatoes kind of guy.  I don't really go out of my way to try exotic cooking, and that could be a problem since eastern food is very very different than American style food.  The language barrier will also be an issue until Manda and I establish a basis of our host country's language.  I expect the culture shock to be pretty marvelous.

The last thing and probably biggest issue I (and I know my wife will as well) face is the fact that we will be forced to leave our cats behind for a year.  We will probably go through cat withdrawal and have the shakes while on the plane!

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