Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Waiting sucks! Also trip to Pennsylvania

So Amanda and I went on a nice trip to Pennsylvania (my homeland) to visit my family and have my super special 27th birthday.  While the trip was fun it made me realize how much I miss PA, which I am sure will only get worse once we are in South Korea.  It has really made me at least start beginning to shape our plans  for once we get done with teaching in South Korea.  Perhaps we will begin to look for positions out on the east coast for when we get back.

That is one of the nicest things about the ESL Honeymoon, it gives us things to look forward to when we get back.  I am sure that we will be homesick when over there but luckily we will also be together which will make it easier to bear.  
                                                                  one of these things

As for the update on our positions we are still searching for the position which would be right for us.  We are currently going through a few agencies to find the positions which would fit us best.  Otherwise not much to report, but here are some more pictures of bears I got off of Google image search!

Look at these fabulous bastards

Thinkin' about honey and eating faces

You're not even a bear, why are you here?

Look at that rainbow, KABLAM

Anywho I will try to get around to updating more again, I just must stop being lazy.  Till next time!

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