It seems appropriate to start out with a wintery picture, because it's certainly winter here in South Korea. While the temperature has risen above freezing on occasion, it's mostly not above freezing and we've been quite cold! I intend to make an update about being cold and surviving the winter in Korea, but I'm sure I'll have plenty of time for that in January or February.
Mostly, I wanted to make mention of the fact that we haven't been all that active with posting here, because it's just been one thing after another. I do have some pictures and information though. One big reason we've been busy has been due to work and sorting out some things with our director. Another has been preparation for the big Christmas Party on Christmas Eve, which is mostly a show/performance for the parents. There for about a week I was also working 10
1/2 hour days because I was helping out at another local school too. We also can't forget the part where we've been trying to prep for our own gift giving for the winter holidays.
On my walk home from the other school I was at for a week after my normal classes I saw this display.
If you follow the path here that runs between apartments you reach Homeplus!
This is the entrance of the school I was at from 5:30 to 8:30pm each night. I even rode my first taxi home.
Among other things we got to see election campaigning and promotion (and also had off work!) This man lost by a very slim margin. Also, the woman third from the left was very enthused about dancing for this.
Stumbled upon an amazing bakery with some of the most delicious cupcakes I have ever tasted.
Did I mention that it's a cake decorating cafe too? You buy a cake and the things you want to decorate with and have at it. I want to make one sometime! You can also make cookies with a variety of cookie cutters.
We also have our own little Christmas/holiday set up at home. We aren't really doing gifts, but we did decide to do stockings for each other at least.
Oh yes, I mentioned a Christmas party. We've spent 3 full days of preparation for this, not including half days and the other miscellaneous periods of time over the course of 2 weeks. We've been sitting in the cold downstairs while they practice reading, singing and dancing, and playing piano. Is it over yet?

This past weekend (12/22 to be precise) we went and participated in a local photo scavenger hunt for Christmas with a bunch of other foreigners in Cheongju. (The above sign was outside of the CGV theater where we met up at the start.) We had the pleasure of running around in the cold, being yelled at by an old ajumma outside her fortune telling shop, participating in a flash mob outside of a shoe store in Shinae, trying to get random Koreans to help us by joining our pictures, running around Homeplus, etc. Our team of 8 (with our additional helper) won the game and got "gold". Unfortunately I was feeling very sick (and now have another cold) and getting home was the bad part. I'm glad we went though, it was fun.

Woooo, gooo team! I'm hoping to post a few of the pictures on the blog once they're uploaded to Facebook. We took some wacky pictures. Highlights being Homeplus workers looking at us very oddly, being yelled at by an old man for being too close to his cart while singing Christmas carols to a random Korean couple, dancing Gangnam Style with a few electronics employees, fitting all 8 of us into an elevator, Zach and I kissing under "mistletoe" (which they said was cheating since we're married), taking a picture together in front of a historic pole downtown, building a "snowman", and other crazy antics. Good times.
Prizes to help warm us up after all the running around in the cold!
Oh, I almost forgot! We were given a microwave and a toaster oven by the boss lady. It's so exciting!
For now though I'm just stuck with another cold (I seem to have bad luck with that in Korea, but I think it's partly stress related) and Zach's got a mild cold too. Since it's Sunday already we're gearing up for another day long practice tomorrow on Christmas Eve. We're supposed to be having dinner before the "party" and then it will start and last for several hours. I'll hopefully get a few pictures. Zach will be MC-ing the whole thing while I run around and make "stage" adjustments and help out the kids with remembering things and words they may have trouble with.
I have also sampled corn tea, which is, in fact, a thing. It tastes like corn and I will not ingest it again, definitely. I have also been offered cold medicine (for kids) and awkwardly stood around being watched while I took it, despite not knowing what I was just taking. On the bright side, we got Domino's today and it was amazing! Just looking forward to Christmas off work now and a few Skype calls. :)