Sunday, December 9, 2012

Winter has come to Cheongju

It's that time of year up here in the Northern Hemisphere, and that means snow and the rest of the fun that winter brings here in South Korea. We had one light snow previously, but we had two days with a decent amount of snow later in the week. The snow late Wednesday meant no older elementary class, which was nice.

The snow also meant that we got to do something not in our job descriptions and that was helping clear out the snow on Thursday morning. We got a good 2 to 2 1/2 inches of snow, but the worst part was the icy layer underneath. We were summoned downstairs at 8am to help with the snow clearing and with the help of a few small students got things as clear as we could. It took about an hour and a half which put us right around time for class to start.

Sarah wanted to try sweeping, despite the broom being much taller than she is. 

Chris, Sarah, and Stella got in some play time too.

Most students had made it to school at that point so we went inside and were instructed that we would have class for about an hour and then at 11am we would go outside to play in the snow instead of having class. Class was not the most productive time as I did not have time to prepare, nor did Zach so we had a brief morning message and some story time and then let them do whatever for the hour or so that we were waiting. There were some picture shenanigans with the camera on my phone, which was fun, then we went out to play in the snow!

Sarah drew me, I guess? And she wanted me to write my name underneath. 

Sarah takes surprisingly good pictures, I'm shocked. Kids are so good with electronics now though.

After our attempted hour of class, we got ready and went downstairs to get ready to go play outside. This meant that Zach and I were back upstairs to get our coats and gloves and for me to grab my camera too. 

It was so beautiful!

After we all got inside from the snow we had lunch time. Chef teacher had the rice cooker on while we were out and lunch was a delicious chicken and rice porridge type thing. It was wonderful, especially with the spicy kimchi radishes. I was anticipating eating upstairs after lunch, but instead we ate in the open area downstairs that serves as a gym and party room. The floor was nice and warm with the ondol heating on and the sun shining in patches from the windows. 

A wonderful warm lunch after the snow with some spicy flavor added. 

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