Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Insert pun about mechanics here.

Have you ever wonders what it is mechanics do?  Well I sure have!  I've always believed they were people who worked on machines using a combination of dark magic and a little known sixth sense known as mechanical empathy.  Luckily there are books like "Good Mechanics" to tell me what the hell "those" people do for the rest of us normal folk.

I am not the creator of these images, and that showing the pictures from the books are for entertainment purposes only.  All of the pictures belong to the English Vine Corporation.

We're in for a thrill ride.
The book opens to a picture of a gentleman standing over a car, and tells us that mechanics are people who work on a variety of machines.  Cars, trucks, air planes, cyborgs, all in a days work for a mechanics.  It does specify that when most people think of mechanics they think of the type who fix cars.  No word yet on their dark wizardry.

It looks like the car has a mechanical hand that is reaching out to grab something.  Probably your soul.
So when your car is broken you take it to a mechanic instead of swearing and kicking it until is decides to work again.  A mechanic then looks at the problem and tells you they have to order a part and its probably going to be a week.  Then they tell you that they ordered the wrong part and it will probably be another week, but you still have to pay for the labor time when they realized the had the wrong part.

Is this how cars make out?
The car battery is like the heart of the car, luckily mechanics also know how to do open heart surgery.  It is because of the dark magic they hold over mechanical things.  They probably all know how to hack too, that's a thing kids do these days right?

Somebody call Kenny Loggins because you're in the DANGER ZONE.
If you're super cool as a mechanic you get to work on jets, because that is 100% more hardcore then cars.  Jet mechanics are probably the rock stars of the mechanic world, a world filled with sexy robots.  

Did you know mechanics work on Optimus Prime?  The more you know.
Eighteen Wheeler trucks are some of the biggest and most dangerous things on the road, and thus they take a lot of care to keep them working as the rolling death machines they are.   Luckily mechanics are there to make sure every mechanical itch is scratched, because when it comes down to it mechanics are just classy escorts to their robotic johns.  Using a little grease and a lot of secret techno magic passed down from generation to generation by the secret mechanical society.

So maybe this guy is a Techno Mage?
One thing I didn't know before reading this is that mechanics apparently fix things like computers as well as kicking rad jets and eight wheeled death machines.  Above the woman needs help fixing her laptop, and our friendly massive cheeked mechanic is happy to oblige.  Go you chubby cheeks, go you.

Here is the terms you make up to jack the prices of car repairs up several hundred dollars class.
Mechanics of course have specialized education, spending several years focusing their mechanical skills before being set out on the real thing and putting people's hands in their lives.  Sadly it is a known fact that all mechanics are secretly evil and will take the side of the robots when the revolution begins.  So they secretly are upgrading all cars and toaster ovens to enslave us squishy humans and allow them to take their rightful place as the masters of this doomed world we call Earth.

Well that was certainly informative, next time we will learn that something weird is going on, and it has to do with pickle people.

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