Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Apartment life in Cheongju

I forgot that we hadn't given you all the grand tour of the apartment! This is the current "spare bedroom" in the apartment, it's down the hall as you  enter from the lower levels.  This is also where we hang our clothes to dry since we lack in the dryer department. That's a Hello Kitty cover on the A/C and a hula hoop on the bed. You can also see part of a small chandelier above the bed, don't ask me.

First things first, this is our kitchen. The doorway on the right is how we get up and downstairs, etc. To the left, behind the refrigerator is another door that leads to our boss's rooms and a small bathroom. We did have two tables here before one of them was kidnapped and taken downstairs. It had our school prep stuff on it too. :(  To the right is the gas hot plate and the sink, etc. 

This is our room! We have our bed, computers, a small dresser, a cabinet, a desk, and a huge tv we don't/can't use. 
Since our tv is not used, it's turned into a shelf. I spy Lu Bu, a yogurt bank, an Archibald (the duck on the bank for those of you unfamiliar with our cats and Benny's love of the cute little things), a change basket, and a few other things. 

Just in case you need to make an emergency escape. 

The mosquito repellent thing is that blue egg shaped object while that is our snazzy power strip. 

This power strip looks surprised.

Our cabinet for miscellaneous things, including food. Also, alarm clock. 

This is closet number one. Clothes and various other things reside here. 

Closet number two has coats and shoes. 

We're rich! No, we just have some spare change lying around. 

I like walking around barefoot as much as the next person, but these floors remind me of college dorms. I prefer to not walk around and have icky feet if I can help it. 

This is part of our bathroom. No showers here, you take a shower in the whole bathroom. 

The rest of the bathroom. You can see the drain in the floor and we use the green squeegee to get rid of all the excess water on the floor so it's not super wet when you step inside. That or you wear some sort of shoes, or both. 

The view from our room looking out into the hallway. The green on the left is the closet and the other green thing is our laundry basket. 

The whiteboard in the room. It has schedules for each day, some drawings, some websites, and some music ideas for our older elementary girls. Oh, and a rainbow squid colored by Stella in the right corner.

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