Monday, October 29, 2012

Home For Lost Photos

Siblings with matching outfits. There are also couples with matching clothing that's a popular thing.

So sometimes you take pictures and you just aren't sure where they should reside. They have some immediate value and you want to share them, but the hard part is figuring out where. Thus, I am making this into a small home for (current) pictures that deserve some sort of acknowledgement due to their sheer awesomeness. That or they're pretty neat, or vaguely interesting. You get the idea.

Everything over here is cute! This is paper clay for our art project.

So we get these interesting Dream Science kits which are of varying interest to our kids. Mostly due to their current fine motor skills or lack thereof.

So I have the big green yogurt bank, now I just need to get the adorable teeny ones to go with it. 

Playing my adapted Scrabble game in class with the older girls. They're surprisingly not being super lazy.

This stuff is delicious. Dried, seasoned seaweed is so good.

Not the best shot ever, but I caught a really pretty sunset.

Korean versions of familiar board games! Pretty cool.

Stella made these since she has a tendency to make many things rainbow, but I'm not sure what they are. At first I thought caterpillars, but I really have no idea.

I think I explained pepperoni penguin a couple posts prior to this one. But everyone should love pepperoni penguin, so here you go. Even if it is an anatomically deficient penguin.

Aren't we cute? Here we are sitting waiting for the 105 bus at the bus stop near our school!

The view of the exit doors for the bus.

We visited this rundown arcade in Cheongju near the bus terminal, it was cute.

The sign for the arcade, isn't it interesting? The Engrish makes it even more fun.

Chance of Victory with by Good Game

Some of these things are not like the others... 

Koreans and their clothing... it's so cute though.

My class of older girls? Yeah, they're kind of weird.

You see Gangnam Style references everywhere. Written with dry erase markers on boards in front of stores, on huge signs, everywhere.

I will play you when I get home, just you wait Viva Pinata.

This is the flower that was started before I got here. It's a cute little marigold.

This is adorable. Sarah is so cute and animated and she is, of course, talking to the daydreamer Evelyn.

Ellena has this thing for writing/talking about magic ddong powder and Lily which just sounds awkward and I really don't know what it means.

Aiden made robots because he is just that cool. He apparently drew these freehand too.

I have no idea what this is, but it's from the kitchen and I sometimes see it sitting out in the sun. I'm not sure I want to know and want to live in blissful ignorance. Also, what I think is Julia's hand.

These are crushed up seeds (that you crush yourself) that you get at Saboten. You pour this delicious dark sauce on it and mix it up and dip your food into it. It's so amazing.

Aiden made a bee without wings. We are kindred spirits as I have drawn wingless bees in my time too.

Speaking of bees, this is the packaging for baby wipes that are around the school.

Who knew Snoopy was a chef?

This is the tissue box for HomePlus tissues. Why is everything so cute here?

I wish I had gotten a picture of this earlier, but I'm not sure what these are. Previously there was an older woman sitting on the tarp whacking them with a stick. 

They cut down the rice field near us, but now it looks really neat.

At first I got these because the whale is adorably smug. Then I tried them and they were delicious. Also crunchy, which is good sensory input.

This snack was dumplings! They were so good.

I don't remember why I took this picture. I think they saw me taking a picture of my snack and wanted to pose. This is Daniel, Evelyn, and Stella.

Attack of the sticker monster, on my Kindle case!

Me with two of my favorite little girls, Sarah and Evelyn.

I wasn't aware that Tomas was into the confederacy, who knew?

In which sleepy Sarah fell asleep in my lap, which seems to be a trend.

I found this butterfly in the middle of the road in the middle of the night (on our walk back from the bar). Poor thing was so cold, but it's so gorgeous!

Dunkin Donuts has these fun Halloween donuts! I should have grabbed one of the chocolate ones, they look so good. I guess there's always tomorrow.

Pokemon snack! An odd chocolately snack, but the packaging is cute.

You get this little logo thing at the bottom and then a little hologram prize too. Fun stuff. :)

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