Thursday, November 1, 2012

Expecting the Unexpected

Happy post-Halloween! Aren't we so very decorative for Halloween?

More pictures and info to follow, but I wanted to briefly talk about expecting the unexpected here in Korea. By that I mean your director may tell you to jump, but you may not quite understand that and they're telling you how high without giving you any time to process. Then suddenly the carpet is pulled out from under you and you have to hope for a graceful landing!

That was my reaction when I was suddenly told today (less than an hour before it was happening) that I am now going to be teaching a small class of 4 kids and doing story time with them each day. The rollover/change is because of a new student that started today (November 1st) and because they apparently want them to start taking classes with a foreign teacher. Hi there, that'd be me.

So now I continue to have my three 40 minute breaks a week (they're so generous!), but at least I get the full time and now instead of having a class of 9 to 15 students (depending on the day of the week) I either don't have them at all or just have 4 kids instead. I suppose I also have a longer break between my class with the older girls too twice a week. So that means that I have a little over an an hour of free time twice a week. You win some, you lose some I suppose. I think I might be coming out more on the winning side this time, surprisingly.

Anyway, there are several posts incoming in the near future, I just need to finish them. I hope you had a Happy Halloween and most of all, I hope that those of you in the US on the East Coast are hanging in there after Sandy. Sending good thoughts your way!

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