Sunday, March 3, 2013

Happy March and the 6 Month Mark!

Appropriateness of images aside, here's my salute to the start of March and the last 6 months of our contract and time in South Korea. As of today, March 3rd, we have hit the 6 month mark of our life in South Korea and look forward to the next 6 months being fun and hopefully much less stressful. Here's to hoping that we can make the next 26 weeks before we head home fun and interesting, and that I am able to get lots of fun pictures (and we're hoping to expand and add some video too) and see some cool things.

If I had to recap the last 6 months I would have to admit that it's been full of ups and downs. Life abroad is serious business and for multiple reasons I would have to say it's been a mixed bag. I'm glad that we came because we'll have lots of interesting stories to share and have memories to remember, but it's not been a walk in the park either. And between Zach's left knee having some issues lately and me getting what I think is a sinus infection, it just makes things all the more interesting.

There will soon be things to update and I know we have to post about the field trip to Everland recently too, keep an eye out. Here's to a good 6 months!

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