Alright so since Amanda has done a picture dump a few times I feel it is within my power to begin the deluge of random phone pictures I have taken while here in South Korealand.
I prefer him asleep |
I had never had a student fall asleep in my class until I had my first casualty here. Luke was sleeping pretty hard too. The kindergarten kids are pretty merciless when it comes to when another student is sleeping. They poke tickle and generally be jerks when they notice one of their peers has drifted off into slumber.
The height of class |
I felt that I looked particularly sexy one day so I thought what better way to celebrate than take a classy bathroom mirror shot at my adult teaching school. See that hand on the hip, that is what we call sassy. If you say have a number and think you might be acting a little crazy I would call you. Maybe.
Nune DDine |
On the search to find snacks that are actually tasty we picked these things up. I honestly don't remember if they were good, but I haven't bought them since so maybe they weren't good? Heck if I know. I actually only really stick to two main snacks here, the Korean version of Pocky and a honeycomb snack thing that is delicious.
Make a wish it will last longer. |
Sometimes when I think I do a particularly cool lesson (and or I draw something) I like to take pictures of it to preserve what I did. On Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1 it is Sight Words time, that week the word was wish. It was a fun lesson which none of the students cared in the least about.
My favorite animal is seal. because seal is very cute and very intimacy |
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What can I say? I have the maturity of a child.
The best paragraph I've ever read. |
I posted this on facebook and my melanin sufficient friends got a pretty good kick out of it.
Election, number one won the election, the first female president of South Korea |
Burninator |
It is like Strong Bad's crappy drawing came to life in Asia
Left to right back row: Kate, Monica, Susan, Aiden, Luke, Anna
Front row: The back of Chris's head, Shirley |
During the winter break I have like 11 kids in a classroom that barely fits 7, so for lunch I make a giant table so they can all sit together. It works....ok?
Look at those shades |
Oh Chrimmitree |
Christmas time in Homeplus! God these pictures are old.
Ha, internet reference |
Seriously though that kid looks like super happy to be in that puffy cloud land.
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